How Many People Have The Same Name With You?

Ever wondered how common or rare your name is? Take this fun quiz to find out how many people might share your name! From the first letter of your name to the number of syllables, we’ll explore different aspects of your name to see how unique it really is. Whether your name is common like “John” or something more unusual, you'll discover whether you're part of the name club or standing out in a crowd!

  • 1 / 5

    What's the first letter of your name?

  • 2 / 5

    How many letters are in your full name

  • 3 / 5

    How many syllables does your first name have?

  • 4 / 5

    What's the most unique feature of your name?

  • 5 / 5

    When you meet someone with the same first name, how do you feel?
